a little over six years ago i was visiting john in madison.
he was going to school there and it was my weekend to go visit him...
(for the record, i hate madison...i totes do not fit in there)
one afternoon we decided to be lazy and snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie.
i was laying on my side and noticed that my right boob hurt....
side note: i am a total freak...i get a little pain somewhere or something that doesn't look right and i think i'm dying...i know it's totally ridiculous, but it's just how i am...
so being my crazy self, i started feeling around...
and then i felt it...
a lump.
enter freak out mode...
instantly i though i must have breast cancer and i'm dying
(i told you i'm a crazy)...
but after talking to john and calling my mom i calmed down enough to make a doctor's appointment.
luckily i was able to get in right away and ended up having a mammogram and an ultrasound...
the whole time i remember thinking i was too young to be going through all this and what if this was something serious...
my grandma had breast cancer and she survived...hi grandma:)
but the fact that it's in the family made it even scarier...
luckily it was not cancer...
just a stupid, annoying, sometimes painful, benign tumor lump thingy...
i didn't need to have surgery to have it removed...
although at some point i might...just because who really wants a lump in their boob:)
so every year i go in to get an ultrasound...
(which btw sucks...i mean, constant pushing on something that hurts...not fun)
but every time i am so grateful that it hasn't changed
(in fact last time it was even a little smaller)
and i'm so grateful that it's not something scary...
which is why this october mrd did
"buy a band, save a boob"
to raise money for breast cancer awareness.
there are SO MANY women that aren't as lucky as i was
and anything little thing i can do to help find a cure i am more than happy to do!!
10% of all of our sales last month are being donated to
Susan G. Komen for the Cure and i want to thank all of you that purchased something last month because you were a part of hopefully saving someone's life!
and remember...
just because you're in your twenties or thirties doesn't mean that this can't happen to you because you're "too young"...
so do yourself a favor...
and feel your boobs:)
be pretty~melis