So maybe it was because January felt like 27 years long, but February literally lastest like
farewell february...
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
tees please...
Monday, February 26, 2018
Monday morning and all I want to do is stay in bed and snuggle my pup, but because I'm not a stay at home dog mom yet, I'm up getting ready for work. Although the more I think about it,
Camden Lane...
Friday, February 23, 2018
Well friends the day is here...Camden Lane has launched and I'm so excited!! So what exactly is Camden Lane?
getting my grunge on...
Monday, February 19, 2018
Hello Monday...I really wish you would have not come so soon! You guys as much as I appreciate having a job where I can actually have 2 days off in a row and have a full weekend, I always feel like I have a million things to do that I really don't get a full weekend. Does anyone else feel like this? I mean I would love
year of the dog...
Friday, February 16, 2018
lady in red...
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Happy Valentine's Day pretties!!! I hope you guys have a day full of love! That can mean 50 gorgeous long stem roses like I came home to last night...or eating two donuts for breakfast instead of one...which I may do today as well because it is a holiday after all! So J and I did a mini celebration last night because he works today, but I made sure to get him the best gift...
love yourself...
Monday, February 12, 2018
Welcome to the week of love, friends! It's Valentine's Day week, which let's be honest, really just means that I'll probably be drinking more wine that usual and eating heart shaped candies. Good times! But it is the perfect week to wear as much red, pink, and purple together as you can like this outfit! Who would have thought that maroon and lavender would make such a good pair...well I knew, duh that's why I'm wearing it, but sometimes it's a good idea to leap out of your comfort zone and try something new. To be bold and fearless and do something just because you want to do it!
I think a lot of times we get stuck in what feels comfortable. We form habits and create thoughts in our heads that aren't necessarily the truth, but they become our truth. It could be something simple like, there is no way I could pull off wearing a big sweater over a swing dress, or I can't wear navy and black. But a lot of times it's something bigger like, I'm not good enough, or I failed and it's all my fault.
Well since it's the week of love, I'm encouraging all of you to be fearless with me, and love YOU...flaws and all! To break up with things that are comfy and try something new. It can be something little like wearing two prints together. Or it can be something big like forgiving yourself for the "truth" that you know, and loving yourself enough to explore a new truth. Because at the end of the day you have to love yourself...which I've said like 27 times already, but it's so true! You have to know that you are amazing and you're ready to do your best. You have to know that everyone falls down, and it sucks, but you can always get back up and try again. And you have to know that the time to be fearless is now...and that I love you! Kisses!!!

new business, new beginnings...
Friday, February 9, 2018
Hello Friday...nice to see you again! And can I just say that February is already going like 27 times faster than the month we do not speak of...stupid January...I mean it's practically Valentine's Day which basically means it's yay!! And I can't wait for March because
spoiled af...
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
You guys it's already wednesday! This week is flying by and I am not mad, not one bit...well I take that back...I am a little mad...why you ask?
skirts + pants = skants...
Monday, February 5, 2018
Well's Monday...and I somehow managed to watch an entire football game, like I actually watched it, and get through the latest episode of This Is Us last night and
friday flares...
Friday, February 2, 2018
Woohoo it's Friday...and it's February...and I'm wearing flares....fuck yes!!! Who else is so glad that January is over?? Honestly it was the longest month of my entire life, and now I'm ready for the month of love
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