sometimes i still have to pinch myself over certain things. one of those things is that my hair accessory line is sold at the Henri Bendel flagship store in NYC. never in a million years did i think that something i made, piece by piece, in a tiny corner of my house, would be sold at such an iconic store. and even though my pieces have been there for over 2 years now, i still don't really believe's a dream come true and i'm soooo grateful that it's something i get to experience...and brag about;) so as i'm working on my newest spring order to ship over to bendel's, i'm reminded that nothing is impossible...and it's ok to dream big because dreams to come true! and thank you to all of my wonderful mrd pretties (you guys, not the bands) for supporting and loving me and the line! i'm so thankful for all of you!!
aren't these shoes just the most amazing things ever...they're like my version of ruby slippers...
there's no place like home, there's no place like home...
hair pretty: mrd, sweatshirt: sincerely jules, tulle skirt: anthro, shoes: anthro
that's my "i can't believe i get to do the things i love, and wear a tulle skirt and sparkle shoes and a huge flower in my hair, yay me" look!