Sometimes I forget how old I really am. Partly because I don't look my age (as I'm told all the time), I don't dress my age (although I don't know how people my age are supposed to dress), and I work with a bunch of 18 year olds (who keep me young). Like I literally have to pause and think how old I am if someone asks because in my head there is no way I'm this old.
The best thing about this though is that you look young, yet you've already dealt with all the crap you go through in your late teens and twenties. Like the girls I work with...I adore every single one of them. They are so sweet and so fun and sometimes I think...oh I wish I was 18 again. And then I hear them talk about friends, and college, and boys, and I am SO happy that I'm so over all of that. I like being the "wise one" and their voice of reason to help them with the boy trouble and college apt decorating and what clothes are acceptable to wear.
So I will continue to buy new crayons, and wear smock dresses, and use anti aging serum before I go to bed...but I think the trick to looking young is staying young at heart. Finding happiness in the smallest things and celebrating everything. Basically channeling your inner 4 year old because who wouldn't want to spend a day swinging on a ruffles and bows...and eating cake?