chunky monkey...

 Happy Monday loves!  H and I had a chance to finally take some blog pics this weekend and lets just say that we had more bad pics than good.  It's been quite some time since we've done some outfit post and it totally showed while going through the pics.  Plus I'm super annoyed because I have been working out and eating well...ok I've been eating well most of the time...I mean I have carrots as snacks instead of cool ranch doritos so that has to count for something...and looking at the pics today I felt super discouraged because I look like a big puff ball.  

And yes, I fully understand that it takes time to see changes in your body, and yes most days I do feel better and not as "puffy" and yes I probably should stop drinking so much wine, but when you go from not working out to working out for almost 3 weeks now, I feel like you should see something.  Want to know what I see...a round fat for real when did my face get to marshmallow puff man status...and why doesn't it look that way when I take selfies...#firstworldproblems.

And really this is all so ridic because right now our world is a hot mess express and I really shouldn't be complaining about how I feel like a chunky complaining stops now.  And on a happier note, my sweet baby Henri Oliver has some exciting things in the works for you so stay tuned because you are not going to want to miss what's coming!!  

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back to work...

Do you know how lovely it is to have 10 days off from work?  Let me just tell's the best...and today I have to go back...which makes me a little sad, because I would love nothing more than to not work, but I married J and not Ryan Gosling so yeah, I have to work.  But the last 10 days off have been much needed!  My little seester was here the whole time and there was lots of laughter, and food, and sleeping in, and shopping, and snuggling Henri, and basically just relaxing which I think was the perfect way to end last year and start out this year.  

And yesterday we took a little day trip to Fredericksburg with the fam...and everyone is always telling me how cute it is, and there are all of these fun little shops kinda sucks!  Maybe I'm just spoiled from where I grew up, but I feel like I just spent the day surrounded by a bunch of yuck.  I mean if you like cowboy boots, and bling on everything, and turquoise, and the state of texas outlined on all of your home decor then this is the place for you, but for a "non-southerner" it kinda made me throw up in my mouth a little bit.  I just couldn't even deal.

On a happy note, I did find a cute dog store where I got Henri the most adorbs polka dot know for the days he has to go the office.  And I also found a fun hamsa pillow and some elephant pjs so it wasn't a total loss...but lets just say that a few hours in Fredericksburg was a few hours too many.  Do we think I will ever find a place near SA that I like??  We shall see...

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Hey guys...miss me?  I'm not even going to give you a lame excuse as to why I haven't blogged in 4 months because as we all know this happens pretty much all the time...oops!  So instead I want to say...Happy 2017!!!  Like all hopeful individuals who look to the first of January as a new beginning and form grand ideas in their heads of how they are going to change, I am going to try my best to blog more...but it's going to be more for me instead of the two of you that are reading this (hi mom and grandma).  I think the real reason that I have blogging spurts, besides the fact that I get bored easily, it that I try and write things that I think other people might want to hear, which is really odd for me because I honestly don't care what people think about me...well at least people in my day to day life...apparently I've been worried about the random strangers that might read this...but today that stops!  

Starting today, because it's a new year and that's when you start things, I'm going to blog for me, and if some of you read it, great and if no one does then it doesn't really matter...and if I spell things wrong and put a comma where it doesn't belong and talk non-stop about how much I hate Texas then it's all good because that is me...well part of me...

And because it's a new year I have my new word.  Last year my word was "patience" and I failed miserably at having more of that in my life.  Like horribly failed...which you know, shit happens...but my word this year kind of goes a bit with my word from last year.  It's something that I need to do more of because I am so impatient, and I get angry a lot at stupid things, and I just need to let go a bit so I introduce to you my word of 2017...

And I'll leave you with that...until next time...whenever that may be...
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