So as much as I complain about not having fall in texas I do love that at the end of October I can wear shorts and something about the mix of chunky sweaters and shorts just gets me every time. You know what else I love? Elephants and the all things basically this outfit is perfect! Oh wait...there are also leopard pointy toe flats, an obnoxious tulle bow MRD, and an evil eye necklace. I think I covered all my fave trends and then some because why wear one amazing thing when you an wear 5? And you know what else is perfect? My sweet baby Henri!
Seriously I don't know how we got so lucky with him, but he really is the best. Plus he is so photogenic which makes him perfect for the blog...
Well...except this picture...I'm not sure what he's doing with his face here, but hey...we all have to start somewhere right? So get ready to see lots more of him on the blog because why just visit to see adorbs pics of me when you can see adorbs pics of me and my fur I right or am I right?
Hope you guys have a fab weekend and a Happy Halloween! Make sure and check out my insta to see Henri and I in our fave costumes...this is what happens when your only friend is your dog! Yay me!