modern flapper...

 Happy Friday pretties!!  So funny story, which if you follow me on insta you've already heard this on my insta stories a few weeks ago, but one of the girls I work with was smelling the candle wax melts at my store...and one of the scents was vintage blossom...which lead her to say that she wished she grew up in an older time the 80s...which was hilarious considering that 
a) I was born in the 80s
b) she thought that the 80s were a million years ago and "vintage"

So, now that we've determined that I'm totally old, I do love that with fashion today you can get inspiration from years past, but give it a modern twist, like with this outfit.  It is definitely giving me a modern flapper vibe which I'm obsessed with!!  This uneven hem dress I've had for awhile and I'm loving it paired with this Beverly Satin Embroidered Kimono from Tobi!!  Add some cutout booties and a mint layered necklace from Apricot Lane SA and it's the perfect vintage inspired outfit!!  And kimonos are a must have for your closet!  They are perfect for layering over anything and just an easy way to give your look a little extra something special!!  

So here's to being "vintage" but looking fabulous!!  Thanks Tobi for helping me complete one of my fave looks and I hope all of you have an amazing weekend!!!

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peplum tops and polka dots...

 So my life has been a little stressful lately.  Thankfully a few of the big things that were causing some drama in my life are done with, but there is still the everyday stuff that's been really wearing me down...and all of that combined with the crazy summer heat has really just had me in the worst moods.  The littlest things set me off and most days I want to punch several people in the face multiple times, but it's something I'm aware of and really trying to work on, but it is not easy at all.

So in an effort to try and do something simple to brighten up my mood I've been trying, and mostly failing but still trying, to wear more colorful outfits.  It's easy to be a mega bitch when you're rockin' all black but it's a little harder to be mean when you're wearing pink polka dots and floral peplum tops.  Plus I love that this headband, made my me of course, gives this outfit more of a retro feel...and anything that makes my hair look cute in the humidity I will wear in a second!!

So if you have any tips for me, besides wearing colorful clothes, that can help with my stressed induced anger issues...god I sound like a crazy person...then please pass them along because I need all the help I can get right now!!  Thanks pretties!!!

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swinging into summer...

 Well friends, summer is officially here.  That lovely time of bad hair days, sweat in places you shouldn't be sweating, and people wearing too short shorts and wondering if they own a mirror or just have really bad friends that tell them "omg those shorts look so cute on you"...yay summer...insert huge eye roll here.

Honestly summer is just the worst and the only thing that gets me through it is knowing that the fashion world is always a season ahead which means soon the stores will be full of sweaters and beanies and booties and I can pretend that I live somewhere that allows me to start wearing those things in fall when really I can't wear them until like December...damn you Texas!!

So how do I cope with the dreaded 120 degree days while still keeping my love of all things fall alive?  Well, one is really good air conditioning...and the other is you can still rock "fall" colors even though it's summer!!  I don't really do many pastels or neons, but give me something olive and I'm a happy this adorbs Swoop In Swing Dress from Tobi!  The swing shape makes it perfect for staying cool on a hot summer day, but the color make me feel like cooler days aren't far away...hey I'll do whatever it takes to get me through the heat!!  And since it's summer I paired it with my fave Free People pink booties and this crazy knot necklace that I got from a thrift store like a million years ago, but I can't wait til it's cooler to wear it with black tights and a chunky sweater!  It's definitely a piece that I will be wearing year round!!

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stay wild moon child...

Happy friday pretties...and happy full moon day!!  Now I don't know about you, but I'm one of those people that is totally in touch with the moon...or maybe it's the moon that is totally in touch with me.  Like I will be extra emotional, or have random times where I'm super anxious and feel like my insides are all fluttery, or feel like something major is coming...and then I find out that there is a full moon within a few days of all of this happening.  And the funny thing is that it happens almost every time, and every time I totally forget and then roll my eyes and laugh when I realize that...oh, it's a full moon tonight, no wonder I've been cray.  

It's almost like the moon is trying to remind me to be more in tune with my surroundings and to pay attention to what I really need in my life at the moment.  And this full moon is in Sagittarius, which is my zodiac sign, so I get extra special moon powers today!!  It also comes at a good time, because J leaves tomorrow for his summer drill for the National Guard so while I will obviously miss him, it will be the perfect time to focus on myself, because we all need a little selfish me time once in awhile.

And in honor of my moon mother, I'm rockin' this adorbs graphic tee from Target which is so comfy and I am loving it paired with my all time fave flares from Free People!  It's the perfect look for staying wild on full moon friday!!  

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