do you ever think about how easy it is to take on someone else's mood?
maybe it's just me, but if i'm surrounded by someone who is always complaining or is upset about everything it is SO easy to feel the same way...
then i start complaining and thinking of all the yuck that is going on...
HOWEVER it is just as easy to let someone's good mood affect you in the same way...
something as simple as a smile from a stranger can set off a wave of happiness that you end up passing to everyone you meet over the course of the day...
and lets face it...
wouldn't you rather have a happy day than one full of yuck?
i know i would, which is why i'm SOOOO excited to share with you what
Ashley over at The Shine Project is starting.....
here is what Ashley has to say about her new project...
Pass It Forward was designed to get people to do little things, everyday, that makes an impact on the community around them. Pass it Forward is designed around a card (read card that I've attached now so you understand). Each card is given a unique ID number. Lets say we're at McDonalds, and I decide to pay for the person behind me in the drive through. I'd give the cashier the card, and tell them to pass it along to the next car when the give them the food that has been paid for. I then go home and log into the website that was on the card, and find my unique ID number. I log into it, and add my information... My first name, city, and a description of what I did....
Let's say the person behind me was you, you would pass it forward to someone else, and then would go home and do the same thing. From the very beginning, you will be able to track where your card goes, and how many people you affect just by doing one simple act of kindness.
pretty cool huh?
so now you can do even more amazing things and see first hand how something that may see small to you, may mean the world to someone else!
so who wants to spread some shine??
make sure and visit Ashley's blog...
for more deets:)
be pretty~melis
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