Happy Hump Day loves! We are already half way to the weekend and I couldn't be happier! Plus I have some super fun news to share on Friday...so the week is just going to get better!! But today I would like to talk about this flower crown bull skull peplum drop waist top...say that three times fast my friends!!
Now as we all know I am all things "anti-texas" most of the time. I just can't help it...I'm still not ready to admit that I live in the South. On a daily basis something happens and I think to myself...is this for real...is this how people really are...was that an actual real life bug that I just saw...how is this air still poisoning me...why are there so many trucks...ahhhhh the ramblings of my mind...it's a little cray cray up there. And when I'm at work we will sometimes get things in and I just have to roll my eyes because it's "so texas" and I'm like why would someone buy this and then they do...and then I'm sad...for me as well as the future of fashion...however...
We got in this top the other day at Apricot Lane SA and I didn't hate it...even though this is one of those tops that just screams "I love the South and everything in it" and that scared me a bit. And then I tried it on...and honestly I didn't even really notice the pattern because it was so soft and I adore this drop waist, kind of peplum shape because lets be real...you can literally eat whatever you want in a shirt like this and no one will ever know....bwhahahahahaha. So yeah, that is the real reason I bought this shirt...because even though it gives off a hint of "the south" it's flowy, and you can twirl in it, and I could have donuts for breakfast and pizza for dinner...or hide a small family of puppies underneath and you wouldn't have a clue! And if you want to look as adorbs as me we still have a few of these left at the store...so lets be twins!!!

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