
my sister requested a black & white turband yesterday...
i know big news huh lol!

so anyways....
that led me on a treasure hunt to find some black and white in my 
mountain of fabrics.
while searching for said fabrics, i realized that i have a little problem...
ok a BIG problem...
i have SO MUCH FABRIC!!!!
i swear i'm going to end up on the show hoarders...
thank god john is away at bootcamp bc i literally have a system of where to hop over piles to get to another room....
i told you it was a problem...
i knew when i ran into a wall and stubbed my toe while hopping over said piles that
maybe i should figure out something!!

i have one of those cube things from target which is great for normal fabrics that aren't all 
"lets slip and slide everywhere"
but for everything else it just pours out of that thing like hot lava...
plus i can't really see anything that is stored in their anyway...
i found fabric yesterday that i forgot i even bought 

so if anyone has any fun ideas on how to store my fabric that is neat and organized, yet allows me to see what i have, then send them my way!

and luckily my search for black and white allowed me to find forgotten fabrics that was a great start to 
a new "classic" collection!!

be pretty~melis

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