7 things...

 Ugh why does Monday come so soon every week?  In attempt to be more consistent with my blogging and to make Monday not suck so much I'm going to share 7 happy things from the previous week...starting with these amazing new booties!  It's a little cray how shoes can make a girl so happy...especially when they are in a fun color!
Then there is this face.  I mean seriously I just love this face so much and anytime I can catch Henri smiling is a good thing since he tends to have resting bitch face like his mom...
J's bday was last week...which means for 2 months we're the same age...which is old and crusty.  And for his bday he wanted to go shooting.  This was only my second time shooting a gun, and I shot three different ones.  It's still scary, and I still don't like it, but it's a part of our lives now and so I'm trying my best to not be scared.  Good news is I hit the targets most of the time and my hair looked lovely that day.
My dad also came shooting with us and he was actually pretty good, which I probably shouldn't be surprised at because he's the kind of person that seems to be good at everything he tries even when it's totally something ridiculous and then we all just look at each other like how the hell did he know how to do that so well.
I started working on some new MRD's that will be in the shop this week.  Leather and beads and stones oh my!!  
We have in so much cuteness at the day job that I just couldn't help but try everything on...and it true Cher Horowitz fashion I had to take selfies to see how everything really looked.  I think this shirt dress is a must have!
Oh...it's this face again...who hasn't had a bath in forever because his daddy keeps saying I'll do it tomorrow, and then this sweet little dog decided he wanted to take his walk thru the muddiest part of the grass and then guess who had to chase him around the apt and carry him into the tub and give him a bath...oh yeah that would be me...but honestly you can't be mad at that face.  

Happy Monday loves!
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