skulls and gypsy souls...

 You guys, this year has already been off to a rough start for me and my family.  Between health issues and jobs and just life, it's been a one way ride on the hot mess express and it's super frustrating.    Last year had so many issues that I was sure this year was going to be sunshine and rainbows and so far it's been clouds and thunder, but I really do think that everything happens for a reason...and even though right now nothing seems to makes sense I have faith that it will all be clear at some point and I'll be able to smile and know that it all worked out in the end.  

Until then, H and I are going to dress in black and put on our "hard core" shells so we can keep it all together...because nothing says bad ass like a boho graphic tee, a baseball sweater, and a furry hat with pom least Henri got it right with the skull and crossbones...

Anyways, hope you guys have a happy weekend.  Apparently there is some huge sport game with big men in tight pants throwing balls or something like that...gross.  Peace out kids!!

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