it's gonna be may...

 Um...not quite sure how this happened, but it's freaking MAY!!!  I feel like I had such big plans for this year and it's literally almost half way over.  I also thought this year was going to be so much better than last year and while it's had it's ups it has definitely not been smooth sailing.  This is one of those years that is forcing me to look, wide eyed, at everything.  It's so easy to fall into the rhythm of life, yet not really be living it.  Being a grown up is hard...and there are times that I forget that it's not all about work, and paying bills, and trying to eat the right things, and all that boring stuff.  Sometimes it's about just being silly, and eating cake for breakfast, and loving life and I think along the way I forgot about that.  So, with this new month, comes a new me...are we ready?

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