GLAM Belleza Latina

 so i get asked all the time..."what are you", to which i usually just blankly stare at said person asking that a girl?  until they get uncomfy with my blank stare and then ask what my background which i again blankly stare...i'm such a brat.  i've had peeps think i'm everything from egyptian, to italian, to whatever the kardashian's are, but i'm half mexican and half polish...a mexipol;)  and no i don't speak spanish or polish...but i did take three years of german in high school...because doesn't everyone want to speak deutsch?

so when i heard that Glamour magazine was going to have a new magazine called, GLAM Belleza Latina that was "dedicated to celebrating the beauty and style of Latinas" i was definitely excited to check it out!  they launched their first print issue just a few weeks ago and their website has become a great place for me to get beauty tips!  and guess what???  they just happen to have a fave new hair accessory line...MRD!!!!  

i kinda screamed when i saw my face on their site yesterday afternoon...soooo cool!!!  so go check out the article HERE and you can see what celeb they think i look like (which people tell me all the time)!  thank you GLAM Latina for loving mrd...we love you back:)

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