til my bday!!!! woot!!
i am the girl that you dread when her bday is coming....
i literally start talking about it in like october and i remind everyone all the time.
so.....it's almost my birthday;)
thought i would share some fun things from pinterest
of things i want for my bday...
that is if money (and space in this case) were not a factor...
i played the cello from 4th grade until i was a senior in high school...
and then i stopped...
and now i want a cello of my very own:)
um who doesn't want a star umbrella....
sparkle shoes and a sparkle crown...because you can wear sparkles on your bday...or any day:)
vintage chanel...yum!
a trip to paris
um the cutest dog ever!!!
and of course....a baby ellie...
piece of cake;)
be pretty~melis
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