and she's back...

Did you miss me?  Well I'm back...and as you may have noticed...I have a brand new blog name!  I'm still in the process of making everything else all new and pretty, but I figured my name was a good place to start!  When I originally started my blog I did it with the sole purpose of using it to help promote MRD...I mean it just made sense to start a blog, except I wasn't really writing for me...I was writing for my business.   I mean you can really only read about hair accessories so many times before you get bored.  I was even bored writing about it so I stopped...but lately I had an "aha" moment and realized that my blog could be about whatever I want...and you know why...because it's my blog and I do what I there!

 So welcome back to my new little space on the interwebs where I share about the things I love.  Expect to see some fabulous fashion, my obsession with my fur baby, all thing food related, some MRD goodness of course, and all the other random things that make up my little life!

I hope you're as excited as I am to be back!  And if there is something you want to see or know, leave me a comment below!
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