And speaking of dad...this is him. He is basically a real life super hero...he sleeps in with me everyday and we snuggle and then he puts on his uniform with his special belt of weapons and he catches criminals. I would love to be his partner in crime at work but things like bugs and water creep me out, so I don't think I would be that helpful in an actual scary crime situation...however I am a great partner in crime at home. He eats the pizza and I eat the crust. He takes off his socks and I grab them and give them holes to air them out so they don't smell. He farts on mom and then I put my butt in her face and I fart on mom. We have a special bromance.
And you already know M...and as much as I like to make fun of her "fashion blog where she basically just complains about everything" she is my favorite. She gives up her beauty sleep to walk me (lets be real I walk her) every morning and always tells me how great I am for pooping...do you get that kind of selfless encouragement every day...I doubt it. She keeps my closet fully stocked with all the latest fashions...green and blue are my colors...and makes sure I always have a soft fluffy blanket to be covered in. She's always bringing me new toys, and treats, and she always makes sure I'm happy...which sometimes gets annoying...like sometimes I just want to sleep in my own bed and have some me time, but she will literally come and lay right beside me on the floor...but I secretly love her for it.
And if you read my first post, then you know that I'm not too sure what happened the first year and half of my life. One day I was roaming the streets, and because I'm super smart, I followed home Audrey, a snipsa foster, who took me in for a bit, but then she couldn't keep me so I went to another snipsa foster, Denise. She was great and I was the the first foster dog she had to be allowed to sleep in the bed...but really one look at this face and how could you not give me whatever I want? And when my parents came to meet me, I was a little shy, because I had never had a real family so I wasn't sure what that meant...but M said the moment she saw my picture she knew that I was going to be her dog. Me on the other hand...I wasn't so sure...when they took me home I instantly bonded with dad bc he had dogs growing up. M did not...so she had no clue what she was doing...and she wanted me to like her so badly, but I'm an independent soul, which she should have realized right away bc she is the same, so I needed time to know if I could trust her. But after two major medical issues...apparently I was a "hot mess", and hours of puppy training and playing, and snuggles, and so.much.love...I realized that both my parents would do anything for me...and that I finally had a family that was all mine...and you know what that means...
That I am the most spoiled and loved human dog ever...and we wouldn't have it any other way...and it's ok to be jealous...I would be too if your parents were as hot as mine...and you were as handsome as me...and your family photo was basically perfection...
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