homemade crunchy apple chips...

 So we're almost done with January and my healthy lifestyle is slowly going down the drain.  As you know I already failed at #dryjanuary, and while the first two weeks I was eating so well...all it took were a few little slips of taco bell and pizza to mess that up...but hey...
at least I'm going strong with my 30 days of yoga!!  And while I totally haven't fallen off the healthy eating wagon, it's definitely hard for me to get back on track after a few "bad"...aka delish...treats.  One thing that has helped those sweet cravings have been these apple chips!  They literally are the easiest thing in the world to make, they are healthy but don't taste like it, plus they make your house smell amazeballs!!

Here's what you need:
4 apples of any kind (I like honey crisp)
A mandolin (or really good knife skills)
A baking sheet
Parchment Paper

And here's how to make:
Preheat your oven to 200
Slice apples with your mandolin, or cut into very thin slices
Line your slices onto parchment lined baking sheet
Sprinkle with some cinnamon and pop in the oven

Bake for 90 min, then flip them over and bake for another hour...then turn off your oven.
And the trick to make them super crunchy and extra delish is to leave them in the oven for another few hours (just make sure the oven is off please). 

Then when you start drooling from the smell,  take them out and stuff your face!  They will keep in an airtight container for up to a week, but they'll most likely be gone that night...trust me!  Enjoy!!

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