Well friends, here we are...the start of a new year. It's all fresh beginnings, and new vibes, and it's Monday...well played 2018, well played. And as you know every year my family and I pick a new word to help guide us for the upcoming year. Last year my word was breathe...and boy did I need that reminder more than ever. I try to keep things light and fun on the blog, and while last year had so many amazing special memories, it was also a very difficult year personally. Maybe it's something I'll talk about at some point, but for now just know that there were times where I was convinced I was about to break, that life wasn't fair, and that the answers I so needed were nowhere to be found which left me feeling so, so lost...but that is now in the past and if you've been following my blog for awhile then you know I'm not a big fan of dwelling on the past...which leads me to my new word for the new year...
It's so easy, especially in the world we live in now, to be afraid. And like I said, last year held many situations where I was scared. Scared of major things that I had no control over and scared of little things that in my head turned into monsters. Sometimes when you're fearful, you forget to live. You forget to laugh, and take risks, and be crazy, and eat the cake for breakfast instead of the egg whites and I want the cake for breakfast. So all the doubts, and anxiety, and worry, and scary monsters...I'm leaving you in the past and I'm starting this new year as a warrior...one who is brave, and strong, and pretty of course, and fearless.
If you thought I was a force before you have no idea what's coming...
And if you're curious, J's word is SAVAGE...because he has a lot to tackle this year and beast mode is the only way to do it...
Basically there is no stopping us...so peace out 2017 and 2018...hello gorgeous!

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