Hello Monday...I really wish you would have not come so soon! You guys as much as I appreciate having a job where I can actually have 2 days off in a row and have a full weekend, I always feel like I have a million things to do that I really don't get a full weekend. Does anyone else feel like this? I mean I would love
to just spend two days lounging on the couch, playing with H, and polishing my nails, but I feel like there is never any time. And while I did get a teeny bit of lounge time, it wasn't nearly enough.
Most of the weekend was spent finishing up the first of the Camden Lane goodies, which was a lot of fun, but also a lot of work. And while I still have all the little things like getting business cards, and a logo stamp, and labels to attach, I think I'm still going to do a soft launch this week because I'm too excited to wait 3 weeks for all of that stuff to come in. And yes I realized I just said on my post on friday that I was going to wait, but I'm the most impatient person ever so it's coming...this week!!!
I also took some time this weekend to clean out my closet. It was out of control and so messy that I just needed a little organization and order in at least one part of my life and cleaning out my closet is the perfect place to start for me since I spend a lot of time in there...I mean it's a huge closet!! So I have 3 huge bags of clothes to donate, which definitely means I shop too much, but that also allows me to see what I really have, like this super cute 90s grunge outfit. We just got this black and white swing dress in at Apricot Lane SA and I love it paired with an oversized plaid flannel. And because one day it's 80 degrees and the next it's 35 I always have a Mo & Pea beanie on hand, especially because it's supposed to storm for like the next two weeks!! And you know it wouldn't be a Melis outfit unless there was a fun shoe...so magenta flats it is!!
I hope you guys have a happy Monday!

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